About Us
At Every Kick Counts, student athletes learn to give back to their communities through Count the Kicks—a public health campaign teaching expectant parents the importance of monitoring their babies’ movements (and kicks!).
You heard that right—Every Kick Counts, even before we are born. Count the Kicks has helped save babies in 36 states and 5 countries.
So how does it work? Athletes who sign up support Count the Kicks by collecting pledges for every score, punt, kick or success they have in their game. Every time they succeed, they raise money and save lives. Bragging rights just got an upgrade.
Kick for a Cause
Want to be one of us? Join our team of athletes committed to turning their stats on the field into wins for their community. Help us save babies and raise money every time you succeed. Plus, you’ll beef up your resume and earn rewards for participating in challenges throughout the season.

Not an athlete? How about supporting one! Make pledges based on the points your athlete scores, yards they kick or just make a flat donation. Family, friends, fans, this is a great way to show your athlete, and Every Kick Counts, your support. Let’s all pitch in to help babies arrive safe and healthy.
By the Numbers
Every athlete that joins us, every sponsor, every donation and every—well—kick, all work toward helping Count the Kicks. And in turn, saving babies’ lives.
Here’s why that’s so important:
number of pregnancies that end in stillbirth
number of pregnancies among Black women that end in stillbirth
decrease in Iowa’s stillbirth rate during the first decade of Count the Kicks
Our Sponsors